Please see announcement regarding free webinar.

Course Dates and Location

When: Next webinar is Monday March 3rd at 2pm (Eastern US time) PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE TO MARCH 3rd

Where: Online. Register here.

Number of Participants

We try to limit numbers to a maximum of 100. The faculty members are experienced educators and dentists. Faculty Bios

Course Goal

  1. Participants will be able to list all pathways to licensure in the United States.

  2. Participants will understand how knowledge of US culture affects interview outcomes.

  3. Participants will be able to describe the ideal format to structure their Personal Statement.

  4. Participants will be able to describe what factors in a CV and Personal Statement affect gaining an interview and what factors don’t.

Course Cost

The Synergy Webinar is always free. We just want to help - no strings attached!


Please note – There is absolutely NO guarantee of entry into any International Dentist program. There is absolutely NO guarantee of receiving an interview to any program.

Items Needed by Participants

To gain the most value, you should have already completed your Integrated National Board Exams and have a draft of a personal statement and Curriculum Vitae (CV).

How Did We Build this Course?

We surveyed 93 graduates or current students in international dental programs across the United States and asked them what they thought might have helped them when they were applying. Then we chose 16 current international students to participate in focus groups to collect more detailed information. Additionally, having run numerous in-person and online Synergy programs since 2018, we have used student feedback to further improve the program. Using all this data we built our curriculum which has three segments:

1.     to strengthen your application

2.     to improve your interview performance

3.     to help you get a head start when you begin in an International Dentist program